What do you Smell Like? | Tuke's Quest

What do you Smell Like?

Hello People!!

Happy Tuesday!!

I can't believe it's last week in August already, make it a good one, the months are really flying by o!

So over the weekend, I almost left my bottle of Perfume in a friend's car and the person was like leave it in the car na so I would be smelling like you. Then the person was like, I don't even know what you smell  like and I responded that I smell like Raspberries. Another friend hugged me this weekend and was like I know that scent, what perfume do you use? I said Calvin Klein and he guessed in2u. I never really started using perfume until this year to be honest, I got 3 bottles for my birthday, Thanks Friends!!

I love the smell of Jergens Cherry Almond Body Lotion. I used it for many years and switched to Body Shop Body Butters sometime in Uni. My friend, Tiwa, used the Satsuma one and it smelt sooo yummy. I only bought Body Butters when they were on sale for £5 though and I would always buy more than one (It's the Economist in me).

Before I moved back, I bought 5 tubs of them, all on sale. In order of preference, Raspberry > Papaya > Lemon > Passion Fruit > Pink Grapefruit. These 5 packs have more or less lasted for a whole year and I replenished my stock at the beginning of August. Moisturisers are super important, without them you will have Ashy skin and that ain't nice. Ashy feet are the worst, that's why I always have a pocket sized body lotion in my bag.

This is my most recent Haul,the promo was 2 for  £16 and I got 10% off because I have a body shop card. In Lagos, the shop I saw them at sold them for N4,000 which is why I would rather buy in bulk from the UK. I've always loved the smell of the Satsuma and Strawberry one but never bought it because it wasn't on sale. The promo at the beginning of the month was on all flavours so I got 4.

My Raspberry Body Butter brings back good memories which is one of  the reasons why I really like it. It's also targeted at people with dry skin so is extremely hydrating. My friend, Ify and I shared the tub when we went to China so she associates the smell with China, it's really funny.

Anyways, What moisturiser do you guys use? If you use body shop body butters, which flavour is your favourite? Have you tried out their body scrubs or body polishes?

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Thank you :)


  1. Lol, moisturisers are super important.. The body shop also have wonderful shower gels... the strawberry one being the best... But there is also another moisturiser called Astral, like its super moisturising and u only need a bit of it on your whole body and lasts the whole day and it'll still be there the next day but don't think they sell it in Naij... I tried the body shop moisturisers and omo it didn't do anything for me o at all.. Lol.. maybe they have changed the formula or something but I found Astral and have been using it ever since... Will post a picture of it on my blog and connect it to yours if thats possible, once I'm done with my disso.. :D

    1. True, I remember I once got a shower gel as a present in those gift packs but I haven't tried it since then, I just get the Tango or Original Source one from poundland.
      I've never heard of this Astral Moisturiser, first thing that came to my mind when I read Astral was the water filters. Where do you buy it from?
      Ahhh, that's shocking, what flavour did you try?
      Good Luck with your Disso o!!

    2. Lol.. Most people haven't heard of it either, to be honest I can't even remember exactly how I came about using it, All I know is i just started using it a while ago and haven't looked back since... Lol... U can get it from Superdrug, Morrisons, Tesco and a few other places (can't remember)... Lol water filters ke, I didn't even think of that... I tried the papaya, strawberry and another one I can't remember.... Ose dear, can't wait to finish and post all my food pics :D...

    3. Eyah, looking forward to seeing all your food pics. I'll be on the lookout for this moisturiser when next I'm in the UK!

  2. I used Jergens cherry almond as well in secondary school (the scent drew me in), My mum is a huge bodyshop lover! I'm presently using one of the scrubs (shea butter i think) and i really like it. The smell of their body butters is pretty nice as well!

    1. The Cherry Almond scent is everything!!
      Niiice, Body shop for the win! The smell is definitely amazing, will get a sample of their scrub next time I go!

  3. Body shop is just amazing. I am eager to try the argan body butter. It smells amazing and does a good job. I am currently using the almond butter and it works well too. Great post!!
    Es x x

    1. I just saw the Argan one on their website, would Love to try it out. Hmm, good to know, never tried the Almond one before, will keep it in mind for my next haul.

      Thanks Es :)

  4. Body Butters! I'm in LOVE with these, I would even admit to buying them at £13 when I first moved to England, you know the period before you realise that your pocket money is not like summer holiday money. Lol. Satsuma was my all time favourite! I've also recently tried the Blueberry which was limited edition and I loved it! Currently using Papaya and I like it but it's a little too hard to spread so I mix it with Coconut body oil, also from the body shop. You've just reminded me that I need to stock up! Haha.

    1. LOL, I used to take Jergens with me from Lagos so I wouldn't have to spend money on Body Lotion. But that changed when I stopped going home as often. Choi, Summer Holiday money be giving one false hope until being broke hits ya, hehe. Hmmm, I've never tried mixing my body butter with coconut oil, thanks for the tip, gonna try that tomorrow. :)

  5. Hey, what shop did you see it at in Lagos?

    1. Janny's beauty, Suite 24, Eti Osa Way, Dolphin Estate, you can call them on 012951177.

  6. I used to be crazy about perfumes and get so excited when i acquire a new bottle. (Im still waiting for prada candy to come down!!! Lol)started using baby oils around 2000 maybe 2001 and i love it. 2 months back i noticed a dif brand in my neighbor cosmetic store and finally got to try it. 5€ for a really small bottle but wow it smells greaaaat. I got argan and cranberry mix and plan to do a review in two weeks!!

    1. Lool, to come down asin price wise abi? Baby oil, like Johnson baby oil? Doesn't that make you shiny? Looking forward to reading your review

  7. I love body shop's strawberry body butter... the smell is ehnn.. nothing works for my feet except Nivea creme.. I dnt even need to reapply jus once I'm good all day :)

    1. Yeah, the smell is so strong, tantalizing and sweet, it'll be obvious to most people that you're a strawberry girl. Hmmm, that sounds miraculous, my feet always get ashy, I have some Nivea I got a while ago from pound land, going to get it out and use it on my feet today, Thanks Funmi :)

  8. For me I use the lavender and lilac body lotion from boots. I don't really think I have a smell, I don't wear perfumes though I might check these body butters out. Also I need to be more like you and carry lotion around, I am sometimes guilty of ashy feet. What can I say I like small bags and I cant fit my lotion into them.

    Princess Audu

    1. Oh, nice, I've never tried that one out but it sounds like a nice combination. Definitely check those body butters out, you would fall in Love! Lool, oh, ashy feet ain't cute, some people use Vaseline for lips to moisturise their skin, one product, multiple uses :)

  9. I use my homemade whipped shea butter cream which smells like the Sweet pea Body spray I mixed it with. My dry skin is no respecter of ordinary moisturisers.

    Hair update 15 months natural

    1. Oh, wow, DIY Queen, I'm not even sure what sweet pea smells like, will be on the lookout for it.
