A day at the Beach | Tuke's Quest

A day at the Beach

Hey Guys!

How are you? Hope you've been good. An article I wrote was put up on Bella Naija last week Thursday, it brought in a lot of views and new readers too :) Welcome to my blog folks, all aboard, hope you enjoy the journey!

I don't go to the beach often because
1) I can't swim
2) My parents don't like my siblings and I going due to their experiences e.g. loosing friends at the beach
3) I didn't grow up doing it so now I don't really go unless I have to

You all now I started a new chapter of my life a few weeks ago. My office had a little community event which is like a day of bonding for all the staff. This year's own was at Ilase Beach.
Now I've been to Ilase once before, when I was much younger, well in 2009. I went with my cousins, aunty and uncle. I can count the number of times I've been on a boat/ship.

One time in London when I went on a River Thames cruise with my mum, dad, sister and cousin. I think it was 2006/7, it moved really slowly and the tour guide was just telling us about the different tourist sights we were going past. I remember he said if you wave at people on one of the bridges you would have good luck for 13 years or maybe it was 7, I waved sha.
The second time was a paddle boat at some park in london, it was a little pond and we rowed with our feet, nothing scary
The third time I went on a boat was the first time I went to Ilase, the wind was in our hair and it was a pretty small speed boat

The fourth time was in China in 2012 and during this time I was on the water thrice. I really need to share my adventures in China with y'all. I went on a ferry which took us to an island and I went on a little boat somewhere in Hangzhou.
By the Beach
The fifth time was the day I finished my final exams in Uni. I would never forget that day, the 31st of May 2013, my last day as an Economics student and my last day as a 20 year old girl. My birthday was the day after, June 1st, Best Day!
The sixth time was last week to Ilase with my office folks.

We took off from a jetty behind mtn, I went on the smaller boat which people called a Danfo but it got to land much quicker than the big cruiser which people called a coaster bus.

Big Cruiser-Coaster
Small Boat-Danfo
It was slightly awkward because I'm new and I haven't been properly introduced but my category of people weren't called up to say more about themself. My hair didn't stay put atall and my dress was too big. I packed shorts but I didn;'t really see the point of changing as I wasn't involved in any games. My category of people were forgotten again but it's all good, I'm contract staff.

The fact that our boat got there first is a perfect example of the statement "The first shall be last and the last shall be first"

This life jacket makes me look like an orobo sha
There was a trail from the jetty to the beach house, I'm not about that walking life so I waited for the Quad Bikes

Your thoughts on these specs?

The food was Amazing, doesn't the small chops look tempting?

You people know I Love my Small Chops
If you didn't know, that means you haven't read this post!
Food pics make me lick my lips.

On the way back to land, we slowed down at certain points to show sympathy for the people on the cruiser and so we could get a taste of what they were going through. I took some pictures of the ships we passed by at this point.

No boat should be on the waterways after 6, we made it back in time, Thank God! The Water Cops.

Looking through the pictures reminds me of Keyshia Cole's Heaven Sent video. I remember singing it with my Dolphin Girls, Adiba, Inikpi and Arinade.

This flying hair won't let someone be great sha, I straightened it yesterday as I was contemplating taking the weave off so now it looks neater.

Dress: Matalan (it's a size 8 but it's slightly big which is very annoying, finna go to the tailor)


  1. Ahhh memories from Ilase (I think it was 2010 though) I'm feeling the hair like this though - beach waves. Sweet


    1. Sweet sweet memories, the pictures are sooo funny. Everyone has changed.
      Yeah, slight error, I coulda checked the picture properties to confirm.
      I remember you and Detola were gisting Oyin and I about uni guys and how there aren't many correct ones, hehe, it was the Summer before I started at Notts.
      How Time flies.
      Thanks Cuz :)

  2. You have a very beautiful smile
    Sure looks like you had a lot of fun
    I have only been to the beach twice, I don't think I like the water very much. I only like it when its time to take all those "not so unconscious" looking at the horizon kinda photos ..Lol

    1. Thank you Olakunmi :)
      LOL, those scenic kind of pics, I get you!

  3. Love the dress, it actually looks good on you...doesn't look big. I think all parents are like that as regards the beach. It's always a good time, but I don't go except I have to.

    Freshly fried small chops = Yum!

    1. Thank You!!!
      Yeah, most of them tend to get really worried but it's understandable.
      You got that right, Freshly Fried Small Chops = The Best!

  4. I love the beach!! I can't wait to visit the beach again. I also love the print on your dress and your hair is simply gorgy.
    Es x x

    1. Thank you Estée, your sweet words make me happy :)

  5. This looks like fun,can my office or the new one am moving to be behaving like this lol.

    1. LOL, I hope they do. If not, you can always suggest some sort of team bonding activity/retreat.

  6. I love the beach! I would live right by the ocean if I could, actually I kinda already do but it could be more scenic. There's just something about it for me. You look really gorge and I love the sunnies!

    Also I see you got a picture of Nana! (Otedola's boat) love it!

    1. LOL, It can always be more scenic. Some of my colleagues were in Seychelles for a project and they said the sand over there is as smooth and white as powdered milk so Lagos Beaches don't thrill them anymore which is understandable.
      Thank you Reni, I had no clue it was called Nana, hehe :)

  7. oh nice..
    I love the prints on your dress...
    hope you actually got to "bond" with your office people...
    could make work easier to bear... (in my opinion)

    1. Thank you Yeva
      Yeah, I did bond with a couple of them and I met a number of staff I had never seen before so it was a good experience in that sense.

  8. The natural hair struggle though! Pele! It should be so on the beach, shouldn't it? with all of that fresh breeze, you still look fly, that hair got nothing on you

    looks like fun and even sounds like it. Haa I have to agree with you, my family and church back in Nigeria have a huge thing with going to the beach, with the same reasons you mentioned lol. Now I'm not sure if its just the Nigerian beach or could be something else.

    The only time I then visited and even lived on the beach ever was during a school excursion. Most Nigerian secondary schools had this as part of their school program as well. The sea school excursion program was such an experience though, we went to takwa bay , kai I lived the life, the mosquito bites feasted on my fresh face, then we slept on the beach after walking through those bushes, had a mini festival at the end too (That was the point, it was a program that revealed what NYSC sorta look like and really felt like ' Guilder Ultimate Search)

    It was so nice to see Lagos Island and capture that view though from the bay. And I really need to learn how to swim, definitely not starting from the ocean. After all that fear of going to the beach in Nigeria, its something we'll look forward to every summer here mayne lol

    I think it's cool your work place would have such exciting programs fro their employees too

    P.S- Thanks for dropping such a compelling comment on your blogging experience I had to respond to it, looking forward to hopefully gather strategies from other bloggers that will help everyone as I feel you on those

    Coco L'Amour


    1. Yeah, hair is definitely bound to fly at the beach, or anywhere by the sea and many parents/adults feel the same way. I'm guessing it's from the experiences they've had/things they've seen.

      Awww, Sea School, I never went there but I know many people who did. It was what many school's used to choose their prefects. I still haven't been to Takwa Bay sha.
      LOL, feasted on your face ke, that sounds painful
      Yeah, it is pretty cool, I gotta give them hands for that.
      You're welcome, I didn't even realise how much I had written until I was done but it's all good, the strategies will be very welcome.
