The Experience 2014 | Tuke's Quest

The Experience 2014

Hey Guys :)

Hope you had a great weekend!

I had a pretty busy one and it involved a sleepover too. In my previous post, I mentioned that I had a couple of spare tickets for the Experience and a number of my readers emailed me saying they were interested.

I just want to say a big Thank you to all of you who read my blog, I wasn't really sure if anyone would email saying they wanted one. It was a nice feeling knowing that some people I haven't seen or spoken to in years, my senior's and junior's in Secondary school and even a mother read my blog.

There's a difference when someone says "I read your article" and "I read your article and the phrase about fishes climbing trees really resonated with me". I'm glad my words have some sort of impact, no matter how little, the person was referring to this NYSC post on Bella Naija by the way.

I wasn't actually planning to write about The Experience but my dad asked when it was coming out and I found it sweet that he had actually read the previous one.

I wasn't as excited for it as I was for last year's own but I'm really glad I went. This post wouldn't be as in-depth/detailed as the previous one but you will get the general gist. #TheExperienceLagos trended worldwide so you can check twitter and Instagram for pictures, videos and tweets.

First of all, I have to say it is a Great thing to get a VIP pass to an event like The experience. They stepped up their hospitality game this year and gave us water then Small chops then soda and Nescafe coffee. Last year, it was just water.

I drove this time around and the traffic wasn't too bad. The VIP tickets came with a car park sticker which meant we parked behind the stage. There are pros and cons of being an Omopastor, this VIP privilege was definitely a pro.

MC Abbey was hilarious and innovative. Some of the jokes he cracked were made on the spot. I think you have to be creative and fast thinking to succeed as a comedian and he definitely is. I had never heard him speak before friday, but now I'm a fan.

We got there just before Midnight Crew got on stage. They wore a totally different attire from last year, their lace and agbada looked beautiful. The House on the Rock media team did a great job!

I was in the toilet with my friend, Jumoke, when I heard "Because of who you are coming from a Saxophone. I was a tad bit confused as I hadn't seen anyone with a Saxophone on the billboards. Mike Aremu played Sax last year and BeeJay Sax played at Night of worship so I knew it wasn't them, plus the tone didn't sound like theirs either.

I was extremely surprised when I walked back into the arena and saw a lady playing the sax on the screen. I was actually slightly confused as I didn't know who she was. She blew my mind, I just sat down so I could bask and enjoy the amazingness she was producing. She played

  • Because of who you are
  • Kabiyosi o
  • Olorun to da awon oke igbani

She is very active on stage, jumping with no shoes on, hitting some out of range notes, an extremely passionate and anointed minister. I was blown away, I was humbled, it made me realise that I hadn't even started yet with this saxophone that I'm blowing. Like, I'm still a learner. At rehearsals earlier that day, the director and some of the cast of Band Aid said I was playing like I'm afraid of the instrument,
I've gotten my spunk back, no more shy shy/ witheld playing.
Asin no be woman dey play the same thing I dey blow

Her name is Angel with an LA and Christ with an IE, Angella Christie, Get to know!
I've watched so many videos of her on youtube and I've been practising with an aggresion and loudness and more confidence that was hidden in the past.

Israel Houghton was one of my favourite minister's of the night. I actually absolutely love his songs and I was dancing so much like I was on a musical high like that night at the Jazz Cafe.

Chevelle Franklin was really good too, she's from Jamaica and she put a nice Reggae feel to the songs she sang, even the Nigerian ones. I would love to go to the Caribbean one day!

Nathaniel Bassey, my favourite trumpeter was sat in front of us at a point in time. He's so humble, talented and anointed. He didn't do any of his old songs like Elohim or Someone's at the door, but the new ones like Imela and Casting Crowns. Micah Stampey and Donnie McClurkin joined him on stage when he was singing
"I will worship you forever, serve you Forever because this God is too much o,
I will sing for you forever, blow for you forever because this God is too much o".

MC Abbey said people wey big pass him come stand for his back. dey jump with him, dey play with him, dey follow as he dey blow his prim prim from his heart.
A little reminder that if you are doing what it is you were called to do, you will be recognised. Check out this article on purpose by my friend Ify Halim.

Don moen started with the Violin and then switched to the piano. He had a friend, with white/grey hair too, who played the guitar and sang country/hillsong style. He made a joke about how he comes to Nigeria so much that people are now used to him at the airport, they just say Hi Don, not, Oh My Goodness, I can't believe it's Don Moen.

I napped quite a bit as I had a busy day on Friday. I went to computer village for the first time, to fix my phone and laptop. I kinda fell asleep with my laptop on the bed and woke up to find it on the floor with the hinge broken. It's been fixed now sha, Thank God, My blackberry has been fixed too. I've had it for over 3 years and I don't plan to let it go anytime soon. The screen was changed and keypad too, the sound was fixed and a cover was placed at the back to protect the battery (N5,000). I'm glad my laptop has been fixed sha, it wasn't fun blogging with a jacked up laptop screen.

Expect many picture filled posts this week :)

We left in the middle of Donnie McClurkin's performance to avoid getting stuck in traffic.

Did you go for The Experience? How did you find it?

Oh, yeah, it's Blogger/Supermodel/Medic Cassie Daves birthday, check out her blog y'all, she's a cool kid.


  1. I missed sha...
    You described it so well... Now I feel bad.
    I was going to go for the experience but I don't like staying out over night in Lagos and I was a little bit scared of the crowd.
    Lemmy start hustling for next years VIP tickets.. :)

    1. Eyah, okay. You could have watched it via livestream online or on ebony life though.
      The crowd was a lot sha, even the cricket pitch was filled, over 600,000 people.
      I'll remember you for next year :)

    2. wooow 600,000!
      I'm on the queue for VIP tickets next year too. :D

  2. Oh!!!!!! If I had read the previous post earlier shey I would have made it a point of duty to meet you??? I went o!!! And I was in Vip too thanks to a wonderful friend of mine... It was amazing... also left when donnie started ministering! Israel houghton had everyone turn on their flashlights... We were shining our lights on Nigeria to God's glory...that was sooooo cool... Somehow, I have never gone for THE EXPERIENCE before.. but it was amazing this year. The worship was beautiful. Frank Edwards has such a powerful voice!!!! Nathaniel Bassey is indeed a Minister!!! And when Angela Christie got on that saxophone I felt transported!! Micah Stampley had me on my knees... and Midnight Crew had me out and about... Everywhere💃💃💃....loool...liked the duets frank had with donnie and how Nat played and sang with Micah and donnie too.. yep..A man's gift making room for him... akpororo is such a joker too and that accapella group gave me goosebumps..I absolutely can't wait for next year.. hopefully I get vip tickets too :) ... 1st time comment!!! Whoop!!

    1. Eyahhh, there's a yard sale organised by some bloggers on saturday, you should come and we'll meet there.
      Yeah, that flashlight moment was uber cool.
      Oh, my, i forgot to mention alabaster box, the harmonies of that accapella group were on point!
      Eyah, it's true sha, first of many comments to come :)

  3. Awww . ... Got two weddings on Saturday. ... :(
    Wondering how I'm gonna do the two sef... yep... first of many comments..

    1. Oh, wow, sounds like you have a packed day, no wahala, there are many more events to come.

  4. Hi Tuke! Please where do you get tickets to it? I wanted my parents to go for it this year but had no idea where to get VIP tickets. Also how much do they go for? Thanks for ur help! I love ur blog. And ur super pretty!

    1. Thanks Fiwa, I got them from my dad, they send some to him every year because of the line of business he does. I know that people who go to House on the Rock(the church that organises it) typically apply for them months in advance through the church office or a church worker and some tickets are also given out on different social media platforms, like their blog

  5. Micah Stampley was my best minister that night. I connected with God which was exactly what I had prayed for before the experience...also my pastor, nathaniel Bassey.. top of the night for me...

    1. Pastor Nathaniel Bassey was definitely amazing. Saxophonists and Trumpeters like to form small beef as the trumpet is extremely loud but he plays it in a clear and smooth way. I didn't get to enjoy Micah's ministration as I had to get someone from the entrance and give her a ticket, oh well
