What's your favourite Snack? | Tuke's Quest

What's your favourite Snack?

Hey Guys!

So I went somewhere recently and it was supposed to be a short visit, maximum 2 hours. I ended up staying for 5 and I was sooo peckish but there was no Mallam or shop nearby. I knew I just needed a cookie or a drink or something sweet to revitalize me/keep my mouth busy but I didn't have anything edible, just chewing gum and water. 

Now, I am a snacker, a self confessed junk food lover, I really am. I have 4 fillings which isn't anything to brag about but that's life. Back in Uni, I got most of my snacks from poundland or lidl, I’m talking Haribo’s, Vimto sweets, toasting waffles, brownie mix, ritz crackers, muller corner, Doritos chilli heat wave, walkers sensations thai sweet chilli, plantain chips I brought from Lagos, Kinder Bueno white, yummy.

Now, when I moved back, a lot of adjusting obviously had to be done and the snacks I loved were unavailable or more expensive or sold at exorbitant prices. These are my top 5 snacks at the moment in no order:

This isn't the regular size oo, my mum ordered a tray for the house.
  •  Tanta Roll: I fell in love with these at NYSC Camp, Iyana-Ipaja and they were supplied by a girl called Faith. I would call her from the parade ground and she will deliver them to me nice and hot, just the way I like em. Out of camp, I’ve tried the Tantalisers one but I don’t like it as much because it has onions in it. There is an eatery at Leisure Mall, Surulere and it’s sold there for N250

  • Hershey's cookies and Creme: N300 from a shop in Dolphin (Shop 2, Association road: when you drive into the estate, go straight down, it's the 2nd to last store on the left, same street as Bops). They have body butters there too and it cost N2,950 which is the cheapest I've found them for in Lagos.

  • Cheese Balls: It costs N10 and it does the job

  •  Ikoyi Club Suya: N100 a stick, Confam

What are your go to affordable snacks?  

P.S. If you haven't filled in the Reader Survey, please do and if you are interested in attending the Blogger Garden Party as my +1, don't forget to state so in your answer to the last question.



  1. Cheese balls are nasty but yaaayyyy to tanta rolls and small chops, love them

    1. Indeed. Have you tried Niksnacks cheese balls?

  2. Small chops FTW!
    Btw hun when you link stuff there's a box you can check to make the links open in a new tab/window so you don't direct readers away from your blog when we click on links :D #funfact


    1. LOL, Yes o, Small Chops rock :)
      Oh, wow, Great Fact, Thanks Girl!!
      I had no clue that option was even available, hope you've filled in the survey, I need all the fun facts I can get!

  3. Small chops forever and ever!

    Plus ever


  4. secretly passing by....

    leaving hungry
